- 236pp
- ISBN: 978-1-7780413-0-3 (softcover)
- Published by Fullerene Publishing Inc.
Kenneth P. Green, D.Env.
Ken embarked on an awe-inspiring academic journey, blazing trails through the realm of knowledge. His expedition commenced with a Bachelor of Science degree in general biology, delving into the intricacies of life itself. He further ventured into the frontiers of molecular genetics, earning himself a Master of Science degree. Continuing on his academic journey, Ken earned a doctorate in Environmental Science and Engineering at UCLA in 1994. This opened doors to a realm where science and societal well-being intertwine.
Ken immersed himself in the study of risk and regulation and has written for a series of esteemed think tanks, such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Reason Foundation, and the Fraser Institute. Ken delved into the intricacies of public policy researching a path towards a better tomorrow.
His writings, span over 800 essays and articles, published in a variety of newspapers, technical and trade journals, and a multitude of online publications. From the bustling metropolises to the quiet corners of North America, his ideas permeated the minds of those hungry for wisdom.
Ken has first hand knowledge of various corners of the continent. Having lived and worked in the sun-kissed landscapes of California, the sprawling vistas of Texas, the historic lands of Virginia, the picturesque landscapes of British Columbia, and the rugged terrains of Alberta. Atlas he has found solace amidst the enchanting beauty of the Mojave Desert in Southern Nevada. For a quarter of a century, his devoted wife has stood steadfastly by his side, witnessing the wonders of the world through their shared love and companionship.
Jay Dee –
Green’s book is an excellent read and an indictment of today’s regulatory environment. At one time, the regulatory agencies had to show actual harm or actual benefits for their proposed actions. Now, someone publishes a report based on a computer model and the agencies treat this as reality with no verification that the model is valid.
The recent COVID response is a good example of this behavior. The model showed that “OH NOES! WE”RE ALL GOING TO DIE!” Somewhat after the fact, it was discovered that several estimates were wrong. Oops. Never mind!
This same behavior is endemic throughout our regulatory environment today. Climate Change is the poster child for this but the EPA & OSHA are equally guilty. The same crackpot modeling was used to sell the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccine.